[6/3, 10:44 AM] Divinfavor Cbere: Christ has redeemed us from the curse (debts, penalty for disobedience) of the law, but, not from the law (stipulated instructions) itself. Because, He is the giver of the law, and He honors His words (expressions, i.e. every valid means of communication and not only vocals) above His name (Yahweh Christ/Christians). That's why He became a substitute for us due to our weaknesses as humans, but, He expects us to get back to the playing (obedience) field of the law, and not to remain in the bench (sin) forever, least, we become lawless (anti-christ), ..God forbid!


[6/3, 12:43 PM] Divinfavor Cbere: Forgiveness isn't just freeing the offender, but, it refers to a planned expression, more of like an insurance policy, i.e. preparing for something that must happen and finding a way to deal with it permanently or temporarily. That's why an aspect (dimensional mood communicative expression) of Christ/Humans (God as the Spirit), doesn't forgive, but, instantly responds via punishment, where as another aspect of Christ/Humans (God as the Father) may forgive, but another aspect (God as the son) expresses warnings! Which tells you that everything is good as well as bad, but, depending on wisdom (sense of direction)  per time, because, there's time for everything.


[6/3, 1:22 PM] Divinfavor Cbere: Reminders (Notes, Alerts, laws, systems) have redeeming values, which now metamorphoses into various editions/professions. Just like communication isn't just expression via words alone, but via every other valid understandable respected/disguised/disrespected means both formally (publicly) & informal (private). That's why the meek (teachable) will always inherit the earth, because, if one eats today, they'll definitely be hungry tomorrow, and they need to humble themselves as they did before, because, public settings (life) deals & lives based constitutional terms of time, while, the private life is lived & deals based on moments in relation to time!



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