2 - MAP

There can't be two captains in a ship.  God (Christ) is not three persons, nor is God in three persons. And, these Statement, "..in the name of God the father/Son/Spirit..", doesn't make 3 Gods, it's just a name terminology that refers to who/what God is & can be for anyone, i.e. just like, i am a Boss/Friend to some people and they call me Sir/Buddy, as well as a husband/father to my wife/children, and she/they call me honey/daddy. And, it also refers to the Almightiness of God to exist both in time, outside time & fore-time, all at the same time. ".. the Lord, thy God is one .." 

Just like Man has a Spirit/Soul/Body, So does God.

You can't say that you have three computers, just because the computer has both software, malware and hardware. That will be an incorrect statement. 

You simply say, I have a computer, even though it's composed of both software, hardware & malware, it's still one computer and not three computers.

"..His name shall be called, Wonderful, the Everlasting Father, the life giving Spirit.  .."

The Spirit can't bear witness of itself because it doesn't have a self, So it bears witness of Christ, because, it's Christ in the Spirit form. ".. Christ in You, is the hope of Glory .."

His Spirit doesn't forgive nor forgets, because, it's His eternal Form, i.e. an aspect of Himself. That's why, He has a book of remembrance, He will judge and cast unrepentant Sinners to hell. That's why Satan can't be forgiven, because, he committed his sin on an eternal base, but, man fell in a time basis, so God had to come in Time as Christ to rescue Man 

And that's why Apostle Paul said, ".. I die daily (continuously).. i.e. ..I discipline myself daily, least I become a cast away.."


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