
Showing posts from October, 2024

BELARIC Oct 13/2024

 *God-Hood*  Don't be in a hurry to preach/become popular, associate, express nor impress. Settle with God in You first, before going/reaching out. Yes, God is everywhere at the same time, but, His domain hosting residence, begins with You, before anywhere. ~ Divinfavor .C'  *www.Cbere.Org*

BELARiC October 2024/7

#Tithe (Amount. Measure) Tithe is neither forbidden, nor just an #old #testament #thing, but, it's a calculated minimal  * #Measure * of feed, substance & time that you/someone can decide to give (offer. Express) out from their #possessions & benefits/profits made, to a person/group of persons (starting from budgeting/savings for the development of God's graces/gifts/skills, I. e. Romans12 & the fruits of His Holy Spirit, i.e. Galatians 5 in you first via the people that He uses to train you beginning with your biological parents, who are Christians, and are the first to bring the knowledge of Christ/the words of God as written in the Bible to you, including teachers & ministers of God near you, and extending it as well to the poor & your neighbors (people near you that are) in need, i.e. can be parents, spouse, children, friends, clients, etc,  as an appreciation to God. Note: giving is not limited to the tithe-percentages, no money alone, but, it also i